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Friday, July 30, 2010

...When the literature does tire...

The VAULT has well and truely been re-opened. The past few posts are fresh from Summer writing and all is flowing at a great pace. Please enjoy and have a gander at all the rest and maybe even at Chapter one of my novel in my other blog on this profile :D Toodle oooooo!

*When the literature does tire*

Several books sit stacked upon the oak
Each one to be read, yet stained are the pages still
Dog-eared is one so much, second hand it may be
It has been used more than once
Twice, maybe three?
The tower uneven, overlapping in size.
An unbalanced structure though managing demise
The base it seems organized, and the top, heavy!
These first few books at the foot
Do they feel the strain?
Are they pressured from higher up?
Perched on top is the newest of all the books
Its’ cover is crisp and the pages clean
And as if the tower realises, it falls
This one tower has had enough

Monday, July 26, 2010

...Dublin 2...

This poem stems from the feelings for the same person in 'My Anonymous'. And Yes he is still a stranger! :(

*Dublin 2*

Glowingly he strutted East on Grafton Street
His eyes wandering from shop window to shop floor
Clad in denim, chinos and laced brown dubarry’s
He carried two big bags, maybe one small one more
His gait confident, his frivolous face fearless

I watched in awe as perfection passed me by
I stood in wonderment once he turned to talk

He spoke with wisdom, his tone carefree
And the very first words he voiced that date
With a soft laugh he whispered ‘Were you, watching me?’
I, in that awkward moment, turned bright scarlet red
Placing his baggage upon grey ground he moved closer though

I could then feel his breathing, deepen and slow
I unhurriedly took my own breath, from what I do know

We stared copiously and examined what was of us both
The clock struck two, the bells they rung, all round
The buyers and sellers all rushed for their lunch, the
Amount of coffee and croissants encouraged a scrum
Every person was raging and screaming and loud.

However we never moved, we were two strong, all in one.

Monday, July 12, 2010

...Intense Waiting...

*Intense Waiting*

Wait for the moment
As it wavers then it goes.
Have you waited on that moment?
Which on this wind blows.
I have waited for that moment
And watched as it flowed
Oh I was left waiting -
One moment; in fierce cold

...Ancient Adorations...

I feel the need to put some more material out there as it has been building up in my room. Enjoy!!

*Ancient Adorations*

Childish stares from within four walls
The City of Troy within me calls.
To all the public below it’s clear
You’re my Helen that I hold dear.
For this Palace where we have laid
Has all but gone; yet our love stays

The Myths and the Legends
and stories of Gods too clever.
The Empires they intended
on lasting forever.
Yet altogether they fell, and fell to ruins
You and I still stand embraced however.