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Thursday, March 18, 2010

...Siúil Siar/Walk back...

I hope everybody enjoys this. It has been a while due to writers block and stress of College :P But I assure you that there is many more on the way now. Summer is just around the corner ♥

*Siúil Siar/Walk back*

Looking back, down through the years
Before. You’ve never cared
For any man, or any lover
And so live a life always compared
To that of a sister
A brother or mother
Living ‘ordinary’ lives
Darkened by their shadows
And remembered for your lies
Following in their footsteps
Would be a shameful waste
To love a man, to have a lover
Just to fill that space.
So listen to your heart I say
Be proud of who you are;
the path on which you’ve travelled;
and the friends who’ve come this far;
the life you’ve unravelled; not
the struggles you underwent,
Because looking back, down through the years
The past just shaped your present.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lovely piece LG. Beautiful flow- it really works and trips along nicely. The sentiment/message is actually made more powerful by the calm, confident delivery too. Clever!
